Dr. Robles

Dr. Robles

Dr. Robles

My overall approach is to ensure my primary focus for each of my patients is in this order: airway, breathing, teeth that function well, and aesthetics. Airway health is my number one focus and one that is often overlooked by other orthodontists. Having a healthy airway is the first step toward having good overall health and avoiding sleep apnea. In adults, sleep apnea can cause a lack of energy while increasing the occurrence of chronic illnesses like diabetes, severe snoring, heart disease, and high blood pressure. In children, sleep apnea can lead to learning and behavioral issues such as ADHD.
My philosophy for a zen and miraculous life is based on several books I have read and applied daily throughout the years. By reading this curated list, you will get to know me, understand my philosophy better, and possibly shape your own personal philosophy. "My Favorite Reads"
  1. Beyond the Known Trilogy by Paul Selig
  2. A Course In Miracles by Foundation for Inner Peace
  3. The Law of One by Don Elkins
  4. The Energy Codes by Dr. Sue Morter
  5. The Keys of Enoch by J. J. Hurtak
  6. The Power of Eight by Lynne McTaggart
  7. The Reconnection by Dr. Eric Pearl
  8. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
  9. Ask and It is Given by Esther Hicks
  10. The Heart's Code by Paul Pearsall
My history with orthodontics started when I was a child visiting my mother's orthodontic practice. Today, I am dedicated to providing my patients with a high quality of life. I evaluate everyone, no exception to your age. I focus on treating the surrounding tissue and bone using very light natural forces that respond quickly to treatment, significantly reducing the need for extractions from my treatment plans. My primary focus is now on airway and breathing. Beautiful straight teeth with good solid function come closely behind.

Dr. Robles


My overall approach is to ensure my primary focus for each of my patients is in this order: airway, breathing, teeth that function well, and aesthetics. Airway health is my number one focus and one that is often overlooked by other orthodontists. Having a healthy airway is the first step toward having good overall health and avoiding sleep apnea. In adults, sleep apnea can cause a lack of energy while increasing the occurrence of chronic illnesses like diabetes, severe snoring, heart disease, and high blood pressure. In children, sleep apnea can lead to learning and behavioral issues such as ADHD.


My philosophy for a zen and miraculous life is based on several books I have read and applied daily throughout the years. By reading this curated list, you will get to know me, understand my philosophy better, and possibly shape your own personal philosophy. "My Favorite Reads"
  1. Beyond the Known Trilogy by Paul Selig
  2. A Course In Miracles by Foundation for Inner Peace
  3. The Law of One by Don Elkins
  4. The Energy Codes by Dr. Sue Morter
  5. The Keys of Enoch by J. J. Hurtak
  6. The Power of Eight by Lynne McTaggart
  7. The Reconnection by Dr. Eric Pearl
  8. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
  9. Ask and It is Given by Esther Hicks
  10. The Heart's Code by Paul Pearsall


My history with orthodontics started when I was a child visiting my mother's orthodontic practice. Today, I am dedicated to providing my patients with a high quality of life. I evaluate everyone, no exception to your age. I focus on treating the surrounding tissue and bone using very light natural forces that respond quickly to treatment, significantly reducing the need for extractions from my treatment plans. My primary focus is now on airway and breathing. Beautiful straight teeth with good solid function come closely behind.